How Studios Can Help Your Internal Brand Content
Published on: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 - 2:56pm

Your brand is always in need of fresh content. To your customer base, your content should project the image and values that your brand represents. With these external campaigns, you often trust a team of marketers to devise, execute, and monitor them.
What many companies fail to realize is that their internal content can be just as impactful to their brand. When you create corporate training videos, film quarterly updates from the CEO, or host awards ceremonies for your employees, you have the choice of how to produce that content. And when you opt for the budget option of crafting this content “in-house” – meaning without the use of professional video space or equipment – the product will suffer. Your internal content will signal to your leaders, your employees, and anyone they share it with that you do not value the communication enough to invest in quality.
Producing high-quality internal content can signify to your team that you are invested in their growth and value their opinions. Utilizing a production studio to facilitate your corporate video production and internal content creation is the first step.
Positive Signals
Shooting a quick video on your phone, especially one of internal importance to your team, can be perceived as low-effort. Enlisting the services of a production studio will help you present polished content to your employees that leaves the right signals – that you value their time and viewpoints. This is a subtle but powerful way to show your staff that they matter, and that you take their attention seriously.
Partnering with a video production studio will allow you to craft engaging onboarding materials and company updates, which can encourage current employees and help new hires buy into your brand. Put your best foot forward for your employees and send the right signals.
Organization and Equipment
A fully equipped and staffed studio will also help streamline your content creation process. Once you’ve finalized your video concept, you can lean on your production studio partner to be your guide through its creation. They have the technical know-how to elevate your shoot, while keeping you on schedule and on budget.
By leveraging top-tier equipment and staff, you will be able to create polished content quickly. This level of efficiency gives you the opportunity to capture multiple pieces of content in one studio session – saving you time and money in the process.
Elevate Your Internal Brand
CTS can be counted on to capture your internal voice in a way that will engage and inspire your team. We are proud to offer two state-of-the-art studios, an isolated control room, an experienced team of technicians, and the largest 1.9mm LED wall in Nashville. If you are looking to level up your internal branding, let’s connect.