Tough Stump Technologies

Tough Stump Technologies is a situational awareness company that utilizes UAS technology to provide customized solutions to complex problems through mapping, drones, training, and software. It is a veteran-owned, small business that employs the latest remote sensing technology and boasts over 150 years of combined experience among its team members. Tough Stump’s mission is to support military teams around the globe and help them succeed through the power of highly specialized, innovative technology.

Our Work

The Project

The Project


While in the studio, Tough Stump sought to record content for their basic TAK (Team Awareness Kit) online certification training. Their goal was to create engaging and informative training materials by utilizing a professional production setting. The technical capabilities and creative possibilities that are available at our virtual production studio would allow Tough Stump to elevate the quality of their content and enhance their brand image and awareness.

The Objective

While in the studio, Tough Stump sought to record content for their basic TAK (Team Awareness Kit) online certification training. Their goal was to create engaging and informative training materials by utilizing a professional production setting. The technical capabilities and creative possibilities that are available at our virtual production studio would allow Tough Stump to elevate the quality of their content and enhance their brand image and awareness.

Our Services

  • Audio/Video/Lighting Design & Production from the CTS Studio
  • On-Site Staffing/In-House Production Management
  • Creative Direction
  • Technical Directing
  • Pre-Recorded Content Capturing
  • Audio Recording & Editing
  • Final Editing & Product Delivery


By recording from the CTS studio and taking advantage of our immersive digital scenery capabilities, Tough Stump was able to create a realistic and engaging environment for their online training courses. One single day of recording at the studio yielded enough content for a 30-part series — and there was even additional time to capture extra spot ads, partner promo ads, and outtake options for their internal marketing purposes. As a result of utilizing the CTS production studio, Tough Stump took their training content to the next level through enhanced visuals, professional production, and ample space for demonstrations.