Cross Point Church
Cross Point Church is a Tennessee-based nondenominational Christian church with six locations in the Nashville metro and surrounding city area. A cornerstone phrase of the church is that “everyone is welcome, nobody’s perfect, and anything is possible.” Cross Point seeks to bring people to Jesus and provide a home to Christians of all backgrounds. The downtown Nashville campus began as a warehouse and is now the central hub of all satellite campuses with a seating capacity of 2,200 people.
Our Work
The Project
- Systems Renovation
- Design and Full Facility Rebuild
- Integration and Live Production Services Provided

The Project
- Systems Renovation
- Design and Full Facility Rebuild
- Integration and Live Production Services Provided

Cross Point initially approached CTS for a video systems upgrade in their Nashville location. However, shortly after this partnership was established, a devastating series of tornadoes struck downtown Nashville and destroyed much of the city, including the majority of the Cross Point building. The parts left standing had extensive wind and water damage. As a result, what began as a simple systems upgrade transformed into a full facility rebuild. Along with the change in the primary objective of the project came the pandemic of 2020. During this unprecedented time, Cross Point hoped to 1) continue providing spiritual support for its congregation through online services, 2) rebuild and recover the downtown facility as quickly as possible, and 3) obtain an upgraded video system in the worship center, which was the initial objective prior to the tornadoes and the pandemic.

The Objective
Cross Point initially approached CTS for a video systems upgrade in their Nashville location. However, shortly after this partnership was established, a devastating series of tornadoes struck downtown Nashville and destroyed much of the city, including the majority of the Cross Point building. The parts left standing had extensive wind and water damage. As a result, what began as a simple systems upgrade transformed into a full facility rebuild. Along with the change in the primary objective of the project came the pandemic of 2020. During this unprecedented time, Cross Point hoped to 1) continue providing spiritual support for its congregation through online services, 2) rebuild and recover the downtown facility as quickly as possible, and 3) obtain an upgraded video system in the worship center, which was the initial objective prior to the tornadoes and the pandemic.
Cross Point undeniably encountered unforeseen and extremely difficult obstacles when pursuing their initial objective of upgrading the campus’ video systems. As a consequence of the 2020 tornadoes and the COVID-19 pandemic, Cross Point was forced to completely switch gears in operational procedures and reevaluate the priorities of the project. Because CTS was able to provide support in both AVL integration and live production, the recovery of the damaged facility went smoother than initially thought possible. From technical assistance for livestreamed services during the pandemic, to a comprehensive facility damage assessment and rebuild plan, to the final installation of new AVL systems in the building, CTS was there for Cross Point in every capacity. The downtown campus now boasts state-of-the-art audio, video, and lighting systems and is able to provide engaging worship services to its congregation each week.